The "(local)" computer could not be reached because the IP address " " could not be resolved. on Server 2012

The "(local)" computer could not be reached because the IP address " " could not be resolved. on Server 2012


Likely caused by Office 365 Active Directory authentication.


ACT Installed with no Errors but when you try to open a database you get an error
The "(local)" computer could not be reached because the IP address " " could not be resolved. Verify the"(local)" computer is available on the network, that it has the correct IP address, and that Microsoft SQL Server is properly installed may resolve this issue.

And when I opened ACTdiag it would not connect to SQL.

Event View showed the common error of:

Login failed for user ACTACCESS


we tried the manual install and running the securitycmdlnapp as well and it said that it completed but still did not fix the issue.


Need to install SQL server mgmt. studio

Connect to the act7 instance

Change the authentication mode to mixed mode

(if you already did the manual install and selected mixed mode, this is likely already changed)


To change security authentication mode

1.     In SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer, right-click the server, and then click Properties.

2.     On the Security page, under Server authentication, select the new server authentication mode, and then click OK.

3.     In the SQL Server Management Studio dialog box, click OK to acknowledge the requirement to restart SQL Server.

4.     In Object Explorer, right-click your server, and then click Restart. If SQL Server Agent is running, it must also be restarted.


Then go to Security/Logins

Right click the sa and click on Properties


SQL Server authentication should be filled in

Type in a password

Confirm the password

Uncheck the Enforce password policy box – (that will uncheck the rest)


Now comes the fun part…

You now need to make all of the other users:

Right click on Logins and click on New Login

Add the following users and click on SQL Server authentication and put in the password, confirm the password and uncheck the Enforce password policy box

Users to create:










Close sql mgmt. studio

Restart SQL

Open ACTdiag and you shouldn’t get the “cannot connect” error any longer

Open ACT and try the demo database